Cayman Islands Dollar(KYD) To Vanuatu Vatu(VUV)
This is the page of Cayman Islands Dollar (KYD) to Vanuatu Vatu (VUV) conversion, below you can find the latest exchange rate between them and is updated every 1 minutes. It shows the exchange rate of the two currencies conversion. It also shows the history chart of this currency pairs, by choosing the time period you can get more detailed information. Would you like to invert the currencies pairs? Please visit Vanuatu Vatu(VUV) To Cayman Islands Dollar(KYD).
142.41947 VUV
Convert Vanuatu Vatu To Cayman Islands Dollar
Exchange Rates Updated: Jan 17,2025 22:23 UTC
Full history please visit KYD/VUV History
Convert Cayman Islands Dollar(KYD) To Vanuatu Vatu(VUV)
1 KYD = | 142.41947 VUV | 0.00702 KYD = | 1 VUV |
2 KYD = | 284.83894 VUV | 0.01404 KYD = | 2 VUV |
5 KYD = | 712.09734 VUV | 0.03511 KYD = | 5 VUV |
10 KYD = | 1424.19468 VUV | 0.07022 KYD = | 10 VUV |
15 KYD = | 2136.29202 VUV | 0.10532 KYD = | 15 VUV |
20 KYD = | 2848.38936 VUV | 0.14043 KYD = | 20 VUV |
25 KYD = | 3560.4867 VUV | 0.17554 KYD = | 25 VUV |
50 KYD = | 7120.97341 VUV | 0.35108 KYD = | 50 VUV |
Cayman Islands Dollar(KYD) To Vanuatu Vatu(VUV) History Graph
History Exchange Rate
Date | Cayman Islands Dollar | Vanuatu Vatu |
Thursday 16/01/2025 | 1 KYD = | 142.37779 VUV |
Wednesday 15/01/2025 | 1 KYD = | 142.48014 VUV |
Tuesday 14/01/2025 | 1 KYD = | 142.301 VUV |
Monday 13/01/2025 | 1 KYD = | 142.40358 VUV |
Sunday 12/01/2025 | 1 KYD = | 141.83721 VUV |
Saturday 11/01/2025 | 1 KYD = | 141.83721 VUV |
Friday 10/01/2025 | 1 KYD = | 142.46603 VUV |
Thursday 09/01/2025 | 1 KYD = | 142.4715 VUV |
Wednesday 08/01/2025 | 1 KYD = | 142.30799 VUV |
Tuesday 07/01/2025 | 1 KYD = | 142.4034 VUV |
Full history please visit KYD/VUV Exchange Rates History
Convert 1 Cayman Islands Dollar(KYD) to other currencies
Popular Cayman Islands Dollar(KYD) Pairing
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